Super Bowl Twitter Fun with #MowerAdGame

EMA Beatrice bio photoBy Beatrice Jiménez ✐ To many, the Super Bowl means football, wings and having friends over. But to us in communications, it’s all about the commercials. This year, Eric Mower + Associates chose to celebrate this epic tradition by inviting all employees and interns to participate in a night of tweeting fun. As an intern, I felt thrilled to have the opportunity to engage with employees across all offices and share my own opinions.

In preparation for the anticipated night, I made sure to charge my cellphone all day. Live tweeting is one of my favorite things to do, and to be able to do so with fellow EMAers makes it even better. Just before kickoff, I put my creative hat on and let the storytelling begin. As the commercials played, it was surprising to see all of the different opinions being shared. While some praised, others critiqued. It was almost hard t keep up with all of the tweets, the game and the ads, so I definitely had to use my multitasking skills throughout the tweeting session.

From humorous to deeply sentimental ads, we tweeted on and on. Even throughout Beyoncé’s incredible performance, we were chatting and expressing our opinions as if we were all in the same room. Being able to engage directly with team members from other offices shows one of the many reasons why EMA is so special – you are always part of the team, no matter what your position or where you are located.

On Super Bowl Sunday, more than 30 EMAers tweeted, resulting in 2,032 twitter conversations around #MowerAdGame.

Tweeting is a great way to develop a personal brand and share new ideas and knowledge with other professionals in the industry. If you haven’t done so yet, get on Twitter, engage, and most of all – have fun!
