Monthly Archive: June, 2013

The Commonsense Copywriter

By Shakeel Alexander ❃ My internship at EMA opened my eyes (and other senses) to quite a few things. But the one that stands out the most is the role of the Advertising Copywriter. I… Continue reading

Pitch Perfect

By Melissa Sanders ♦ As a mere student of public relations, I never really understood the art of a pitch until my internship at Eric Mower + Associates. A pitch, or to the layperson,… Continue reading

Research, Research, and More Research

By Cassie Hutaff  ✐ Transitioning from the classroom to an internship can be more taxing than some realize. In many ways this transition takes the intern out of their comfort zone and releases… Continue reading

It’s A Team Effort

By Erika Colon * Working with others in a design class or any class for that matter, is not always the same experience as working with new people in the office. In class, you… Continue reading